[Tutor] Starbucks does not use two-phase commit

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri Jan 20 20:34:42 CET 2006

On Fri, 20 Jan 2006, Bernard Lebel wrote:

> So have written a little test script. The fact is that I want to be able
> to manage the same queue from separate threads. Below is an example of
> what my real program is doing:

Hi Bernard,

One problem is that there's a single outputQueue being presented to get
results back from the Server.

A different approach is to use a lot of outputQueues.  *grin*

The idea is that when we send a job submission, we immediately get back a
"ticket".  We can then use this ticket to claim() our result.  Each ticket
is unique to a job submission, so we shouldn't see any bleeding going on
between clients.

Here's some code that implements this idea.  It's a little complex, so you
may want to read through it slowly:

from threading import Thread
from Queue import Queue

class Ticket:
    """A small token that we can use to claim our result."""
    def __init__(self, q):
        self.q = q
        self.result = None
        self.done = False

    def claim(self):
        if not self.done:
            self.result = self.q.get()
            self.done = True
        return self.result

class Server:
    _QUIT_JOB = ['Quit!']

    def __init__(self):
        """A queue will contain 2-tuples of (job, outputQueue)
        self.queue = Queue()

    def startServer(self):
        """Brings the server online."""

    def schedule(self, job):
        """Schedules a job to be done and returns a ticket that the
        client can use later to claim the result of the job."""
        outputQueue = Queue()
        self.queue.put((job, outputQueue))
        return Ticket(outputQueue)

    def scheduleShutdown(self):
        """Add a 'job' that shuts the system down."""
        self.queue.put((Server._QUIT_JOB, None))

    def _jobLoop(self):
        """Continue looping through tasks."""
        while True:
            print "Looping..."
            (nextJob, outputQueue) = self.queue.get()
            if nextJob is Server._QUIT_JOB:
            returnValue = self._doJob(nextJob)

    def _doJob(self, job):
        print "I'm doing", job
        return job + job ## something to show that we're doing something

def separateCaller(server):
    for i in range(1000, 1004 + 1):
        print "--Separate caller asks %d" % i
        ticket = server.schedule(str(i))
        print "--Separate caller got %s" % ticket.claim()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    server = Server()
    Thread(target=separateCaller, args=(server,)).start()

    result1 = server.schedule("1")
    print "result1: %s" % result1.claim()
    result2 = server.schedule("2")
    print "result2: %s" % result2.claim()
    result3 = server.schedule("3")
    print "result3: %s" % result3.claim()

Play around with this a bit and see if it makes sense to you.  You might
also be interested in the amusing article "Starbucks Does Not Use
Two-Phase Commit":


as it touches on concepts in the code.

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask!

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