[Tutor] Searching for email id in MySQL giving wrong results
John Joseph
jjk_saji at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 22 13:43:22 CET 2006
Thanks to Allan,Danny,Pujo
I did my simple python script for MySQL , the
scripts add the data , and search for the data and
I have problem in searching email id ,ie
If search for the something at some , I will not get any
result , Guidance and advice needed for the reason
for this behavior
I had added my script in this mail
Joseph John
""" This program is for to learn
how to enter data to MySQL using python
How to search
not using OOP
Have problem in searching email-id
Why I do not get correct results when
searching email id
"@" string search containg "@" gives empty
import MySQLdb
def selecter():
choice = None
while choice != "0":
print \
Data Base Entry for the Testing Env
0 - Quit
1 - Enter the Data
2 - Display The data
3 - Search The Company
choice = raw_input("Choice :........")
if choice == "0":
print "Good Bye ..."
elif choice == "1":
elif choice == "2":
elif choice == "3":
def dataentry():
name = raw_input("Enter the name of the company ")
email_id = raw_input("\n Enter the email ID : ")
phone_no = raw_input("Enter the Phone No : ")
fax_no = raw_input("\n Enter the fax no : ")
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",user = "john",
passwd = "asdlkj", db = 'learnpython')
entry = db.cursor()
#entry.execute("""INSERT INTO contact
entry.execute("""INSERT INTO
contact(name,email_id,phone_no,fax_no) VALUES
print name , email_id , fax_no, phone_no
def datashow():
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",user = "john",
passwd = "asdlkj", db = 'learnpython')
entry = db.cursor()
entry.execute("SELECT * from contact")
p = entry.fetchall()
print p
def datasearch():
print "Do U want to search by Name , email id , phone
or fax "
choice = None
while choice != "0":
print \
U want to search the contacts by
0 - Quit
1 - Name
2 - email_id
3 - phone
4 - fax
choice = raw_input("Choice :........")
if choice == "0":
print "Good Bye ..."
elif choice == "1":
elif choice == "2":
elif choice == "3":
elif choice == "4":
def searchbyname():
s_name = raw_input("Enter the name to be searched ")
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",user = "john",
passwd = "asdlkj", db = 'learnpython')
entry = db.cursor()
entry.execute("""SELECT * FROM contact WHERE name =
%s""", (s_name,))
p = entry.fetchall()
print p
def searchbyemail():
s_email = raw_input("Enter the Email to be searched
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",user = "john",
passwd = "asdlkj", db = 'learnpython')
entry = db.cursor()
entry.execute("""SELECT * FROM contact WHERE email_id
= %s""", (s_email,))
p = entry.fetchall()
print p
def searchbyphone():
s_phone= raw_input("Enter the Phone no to be
searched ")
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",user = "john",
passwd = "asdlkj", db = 'learnpython')
entry = db.cursor()
entry.execute("""SELECT * FROM contact WHERE phone_no
= %s""", (s_phone,))
p = entry.fetchall()
print p
def searchbyfax():
s_fax = raw_input("Enter the FAX no to be searched
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",user = "john",
passwd = "asdlkj", db = 'learnpython')
entry = db.cursor()
entry.execute("""SELECT * FROM contact WHERE fax_no =
%s""", (s_fax,))
p = entry.fetchall()
print p
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