[Tutor] Searching for email id in MySQL giving wrong results [ Try out pattern Search ]

John Joseph jjk_saji at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 23 12:41:57 CET 2006

  Thanks for the tip
now I am trying to do pattern matching for MySQL , but
I am not getting the result 
on MySQL , to select  for all email  starting with 
jos we do 

 select * from contact where email_id like "jos%";

but I get confused  how to use it , while  executing
it in python , how to call the pattern matching inside
mysql query 
  I had added my code 
                       Joseph John 


import MySQLdb
s_email= raw_input("Enter the some part of the Email  
 to be searched ")
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",user = "john",
passwd = "asdlkj", db = 'learnpython')
entry = db.cursor()

#entry.execute('''SELECT * FROM contact WHERE email_id
 like   %s''', (s_email,))
#s = entry.fetchall()
#print s

entry.execute('''SELECT * FROM contact WHERE email_id 
like   %s''', (s_email,))
s = entry.fetchall()
print s



--- "ZIYAD A. M. AL-BATLY" <zamb at saudi.net.sa> wrote:

> On Sun, 2006-01-22 at 12:43 +0000, John Joseph
> wrote:
> > Hi  
> Hi John...
> Most of your problems in your code seems to be
> caused by a single
> mistake.  Compare the following two strings and you
> should figure out
> what's wrong by yourself:
>         email_id = 'email at domain.tld'
>         wrong_string = '''SELECT s FROM t WHERE
> id=%s''' , (email_id)
>         right_string = '''SELECT s FROM t WHERE
> id=%s''' % (email_id)
>         print "Wrong:", wrong_string
>         print "Right:", right_string
> This is the output:
>         Wrong: ('SELECT s FROM t WHERE id=%s',
> 'email at domain.tld')
>         Right: SELECT s FROM t WHERE
> id=email at domain.tld
> Now, which one is the right one?  And which one is
> the one you want?
> I suggest you study strings more, especially
> concatenation and '%'.
> If you need more help, just post to the mailing list
> again.
> Ziyad.

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