[Tutor] mod_python and other web frameworks

Ben Vinger benvinger at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jan 26 00:44:07 CET 2006

--- Intercodes <intercodes at gmail.com> wrote:

> List: I am still open to suggestions.

Being also keen to write better web apps in Python,
I've spent a considerable amount of time reading about
this (and it is indeed confusing), I've opted to try
out something like Pylons or Turbogears.
One thing I will say though, is that most of the
frameworks you've read about can be run on top of
mod_python.  So mod_python is not one of the lot - it
is essential on Apache unless you opt to use CGI or
FCGI. But as I understand it, you would always opt for
mod_python over CGI or FCGI on a high-traffic website,
though CGI or FCGI is of course fine for smaller
But mod_python is not so easy to work with and it will
only work on Apache.  So it seems best to choose
something else and run that through mod_python when
you're on Apache.

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