[Tutor] Dictionaries

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Thu Jan 26 02:23:04 CET 2006

Jon Moore wrote:
> Hi
> Is there anyway to print informtation from dictionaries better than this?:
>  >>> pairs = {"Jon Moore": "Tony Moore",
>          "Simon Nightingale": "John Nightingale",
>          "David Willett": "Bernard Willet",
>          "John Jackson": "Stuart Jackson",
>          "James Southey": "Richard Southey",
>          "William Forsythe": "Shaun Forsythe"}
>  >>> print pairs.keys()
> ['David Willett', 'Jon Moore', 'John Jackson', 'Simon Nightingale', 
> 'James Southey', 'William Forsythe']
>  >>>
> Is there no way to make it a nice list as I want to print the keys and 
> values next to each other in a list such as:

Of course there is :-)
  >>> for father, son in pairs.iteritems():
  ...   print '%-20s %s' % (father, son)
David Willett        Bernard Willet
Jon Moore            Tony Moore
John Jackson         Stuart Jackson
Simon Nightingale    John Nightingale
James Southey        Richard Southey
William Forsythe     Shaun Forsythe

pairs.iteritems() iterates over key, value pairs. The string formatting 
operations are very handy for formatted output.


> Jon Moore                  Tony Moore
> Simon Nightingale       John Nightingale
> David Willett               Bernard Willet
> John Jackson             Stuart Jackson
> James Southey          Richard Southey
> William Forsythe        Shaun Forsythe
> For anyone who is wondering, it is to show father/son pairs. Next is to 
> add grandfathers *eek*.
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Jon Moore
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