[Tutor] Exit a child thread using threading.Thread() object

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Tue Jan 31 21:17:09 CET 2006

Bernard Lebel wrote:
> A quick question.
> I have started a child thread using the threading.Thread class. Is
> there any way to cleanly exit the child thread?
> What I mean by "cleanly" is for example if you use the
> thread.start_new() function to create a child thread, the function
> running in the child thread can call thread.exit() to terminate the
> thread.
> I could not find anything comparable in the Thread object's documentation.

Both thread.start_new() and threading.Thread wrap a callable object in a 
new thread. For start_new(), the callable is a parameter passed to the 
function. For threading.Thread, the callable can be passed as an 
initialization parameter or by overriding Thread.run().

In any case, the thread runs until the wrapped method terminates, either 
by a normal function return or by raising an uncaught exception. The 
usual way to exit a thread is for the wrapped callable to return (just a 
normal function return).

thread.exit() just raises SystemExit which terminates the callable with 
an uncaught exception. You could probably do the same in a Thread by 
raising SystemExit explicitly or calling sys.exit() (which raises 
SystemExit for you). But just returning normally from the callable is 
the usual way to exit a thread from within the thread.

If you want to stop a thread from another thread it is harder. The 
cleanest way to do it is to set a flag that the running thread will 
check. There are several recipes in the online cookbook that show how to 
do this.


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