[Tutor] can't import module

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Sun Jul 2 21:12:36 CEST 2006

> As far a putting everything into a package - I am a bit lost. Do you 
> mean one
> big .py script or am I misunderstanding you ?

You misunderstand him.

Python allows you to  reate a package structure of directories and 
such that all of the files within the top level directory and the 
are searched so you only need to specify the top level directory for 
all the
files in subndirectories to be found.

This requires creating some magic python definition files.
Check the docs for details.

The end result is that in pythonpath you add


and in your code you do

from myPackage import someModule

Check the docs for details.

Alan G. 

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