[Tutor] Moved Python installation. Need advice rebuilding all *.pyc

Andreas a.m.i.x at web.de
Mon Jul 3 18:53:14 CEST 2006


I thought, this would be more easy. I wonder why the PYTHONPATH is not
being considered here, but instead I find the path to modules being
hardcoded  in the *.pyc file.

I have about 50 3rd party modules installed and I moved my Python
installation from C:\Python24 to another partition (E:\Python24).

Now, what can I say ? It seems I need to rebuild all, but this would be
an immense amount of work (finding all the install-archives on the net,

Is there any simple way ? Maybe a script, that iterates through
"Lib/site-packages" ?

Thanks a lot!

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