[Tutor] Two Newbile Questions: porting drawmap.c, & Python as a lifetime language

Carlos Daniel Ruvalcaba Valenzuela clsdaniel at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 06:14:15 CEST 2006

Really depends on what you do, if you program for a living most
probably you'll use whatever your employer tells you to use, if you
work by yourself you can choose, personally i like python because of
the enormous amount of modules available to do all sort of stuff, from
GUI programing, to unittest, database, compression, graphics (OpenGL),

I like it because is crossplatform, it may not be fast but most
modules are written in C already and are fast.

I like the ability to use py2exe and generate a windows executable in
a folder with ALL that i need to deploy on windows, i just copy the
folder and i'm done.

The Python comunity is very nice too, this is a big plus if you are
learning a new languaje, the tutor list is always very helpful and

You can always make use of your C skills even on Python, by writting
modules to extend python functionability or to speed it up.

Good Luck!

Carlos Daniel Ruvalcaba Valenzuela

On 7/4/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net> wrote:
> dnelson at cae.wisc.edu wrote:
> > 2. Seeing Python hailed as a good language for learning programming,
> > how do you
> >     rate it as a lifetime language? (I can imagine that many people have
> >     settled into one language for doing the remainder of their life's work. If
> >     I am pressed, I will choose Perl at this point.)
> Python is great as a general-purpose programming language and it is my
> language of choice today. But I'll be pretty surprised if it keeps the
> spot on the top of the heap for the rest of my working life...
> Kent
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