[Tutor] abs beginner first project

Luke Paireepinart rabidpoobear at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 13:48:44 CEST 2006

josip wrote:
> Hi!
> I have finished learning python book and python for absolute beginners 
> book.
> Now I want to start my first project.
> Can someone sugest me project for first time (and some pointers,please)?
> I'm thinking about text editor.
> Thanks people!

GUIs aren't the most Pythonic thing you could find to write.
I'd suggest something that's more focused on the Python itself and less 
on figuring out the quirks of Tk/Tcl or WxWindows or whatever GUI 
toolkit you're using.
For example, in Tkinter, you can bind buttons to function calls, but you 
can't have buttons pass arguments to the functions.  So you have to 
somehow make a separate function for each button, or do some weird 
backend event handling stuff that you can look up  if you're really 
interested.  Point is, you don't want to be hindered by having to figure 
out stuff like that when you're just learning how to use a new language.
That said, I don't really have an alternative to recommend.  I don't 
know what kind of stuff you're interested in.  You could try writing a 
game in Pygame or something like that.  Pygame is easier to learn than 
Tkinter and WxWindows imho.
But if you want to make the text editor anyway, I wish you luck, and 
I'll help wherever I can.
Or were you suggesting a console-based text editor?

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