[Tutor] Regular Expression Misunderstanding

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Fri Jul 14 15:09:48 CEST 2006

Steve Nelson wrote:
> On 7/14/06, John Fouhy <john at fouhy.net> wrote:
>>>>> m = re.match(...)
>>>>> dir(m)
>> It will tell you what attributes the match object has.
> Useful - thank you.
> I am now confuse on this:
> I have a file full of lines beginning with the letter "b".  I want a
> RE that will return the whole line if it begins with b.
> I find if I do eg:
>>>> m = re.search("^b", "b spam spam spam")
>>>> m.group()
> 'b'
> How do I get it to return the whole line if it begins with a b?
Use the match object in a test. If the search fails it will return None 
which tests false:

for line in lines:
  m = re.search(...)
  if m:
    # do something with line that matches

But for this particular application you might as well use 
line.startswith('b') instead of a regex.


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