[Tutor] Python Programming Books

Matt Richardson shortpath at gmail.com
Sat Jul 15 08:15:29 CEST 2006

On 7/14/06, wesley chun <wescpy at gmail.com> wrote:
> (LONG... you've been warned ;-) )

Heh, that was pretty long.  I bought the first edition of Core Python
and thought that it was well-written, but I didn't quite get it (stay
with me, this gets better).  It wasn't until after I had taken quite a
few courses in C++ that I realized 1) that python was soooo much nicer
to work with and 2) Wesley's book made a lot more sense.  It's
probably not a good one for someone new to programming, but I find
that I pick it up when I need to see an example of how something is
done in python.

As for an absolute beginner, Alan's tutorial and How To Think Like a
Computer Scientist are both pretty good.  The latter had my daughter
doing a fair bit of programming in a day.

So Wesley's Big Book was a huge help in a project I did for work that
involved socket programming, pickling, and interfacing with MySQL.
Showing how particular things were done in python in clear, concise
examples is it's big strength.  Thanks for not getting sucked in to
using lots of source code :)

Waiting for the second edition

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