[Tutor] IDE for Python

Tim Johnson tim at johnsons-web.com
Wed Jul 26 01:08:02 CEST 2006

* Mike Hansen <Mike.Hansen at atmel.com> [060725 10:26]:
> I personally use VIM. The closest thing to an IDE I've used is Komodo.
> You might check out these links.
  I used to use vim extensively with python, now have moved to emacs.

> http://pyfaq.infogami.com/tutor-whats-the-best-editor-ide-for-python
  You can actually compile the python binary *into* the vim binary, that
  contributes to some of the nice python plugins for vim. And I imagine
  that would potentially be unlimited potential functionality.

  Emacs on the other hand is customizable via elisp, but one of these
  days I'm going to investigate pymacs, which is a system for
  customizing emacs with python. 

  I prefer any of these schemes to to the traditional "IDE" 'cuz I
  like the idea of making one's programming environment do exactly
  what I want it to do in my own way.

  The trade-off is time....

> Mike
> http://users.adelphia.net/~mahansen/programming/editorides.html
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Tim Johnson <tim at johnsons-web.com>

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