[Tutor] Another fine mess
Kent Johnson
kent37 at tds.net
Thu Jun 1 04:22:49 CEST 2006
GNULinuxGeek wrote:
> All,
> I posted some time back for another task.
> Have a new task now. You were all so kind with advice that I thought I
> might check my thoughts on this.
> Being an old guy and a newbie to Python is the double-whammy, but here goes:
> I get a CSV file with ~26 fields and ~7000 records. This data needs to
> be parsed based on specific field values.
Do you know about the csv module? It will take care of all the parsing
and turn each line into a list of values. You can filter these as you
like and make a list of lists of row values. This can be sorted and
otherwise processed. I don't think you will need a temp file, it sounds
like you can easily fit your data in memory.
> So, here is my "draft" set of steps that I think need to be performed.
> 1. Select the "file" of data
> 2. Clean the data with "strip" to make sure there is no extraneous
> whitespace
> 3. Write the file back to a temp file.
> 4. On the new file, select records based on the value of some of the
> fields (like a "sort on" in a spreadsheet.
> 5. Parse to obtain the matching records
> 6. Do a little math based on how many records and the data in one
> field (success vs. fail)
> 7. Output the results of the math so it can be used in a spreadsheet
> to make cute graphics.
> We have a PERL guy in the division, but I am trying to use Python only
> to get this done. My question is
> "What is a good way to read and process the lines of the CSV file?"
> Do I pull them in one line at a time and write them to an output file?
> Do I read the whole shebang, clean the data and write an output file,
> then re-open the cleaned file?
> Thanking you all prematurely,
> Regards,
> Ralph
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