[Tutor] Not Really Questions

Yi Qiang yi at yiqiang.net
Mon Jun 5 03:43:25 CEST 2006

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Alan Gauld wrote, On 06/04/2006 04:01 PM:
> Hi John,
> I'll pitch in although I've read most of the other answers
> too so I'll be adding to them mostly.
>> The first one is lists... I can't for the life of me understand why 
>> a list
>> starts at zero. In everything else in life other than programming
> Not quite. In math zero is usually the starting point, its generally
> viewed as a positive number(although it is obviously neither positive
> or negative) and proofs and definitions usually start by consideriung
> zero - or at least defining whether zero is in or out of scope.
That is just not true. A number is positive if and only if it is
strictly greater than 0 by definition.  Zero is not considered positive
in mathematics.  In fact, the set of positive integers, Z+, is the set
- --
Yi Qiang (yi at yiqiang.net)
Web: http://www.yiqiang.net
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