[Tutor] making a python program part of xhtml

Ron Phillips RPhillips at engineer.co.summit.oh.us
Fri Jun 9 13:17:02 CEST 2006

>>> Emily Fortuna < emily.fortuna at nist.gov > 6/8/2006 9:19 AM >>>
Hola everyone,
I'm working on creating a webpage in which a user can submit data into

fields to be held in a database (there are other details, but this is 
the gist of the idea), and I need to use python. I am unfamiliar with 
manipulating data and web apps as a whole (and new to python), so I
been encountering much unfamiliar terrain. I _think_ I want to somehow

embed the python into the page, but I'm really not sure how to do it. 
After googling I found some programs that generate xhtml from python, 
but I don't think that is what I want, or is it? Your help is

You might look at http://karrigell.sourceforge.net/: karrigell lets you
embed python in xhtml, xhtml in python, execute straight python scripts,
or execute python from a karrigell application server. Even if you don't
choose karrigell for some reason, at least the documentation can help
you sort out the variations on the python/xhtml theme!

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