[Tutor] pyexcelerator

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Fri Jun 9 19:52:53 CEST 2006

Paul D. Kraus wrote:
>     Maybe just try without the 0x0d00 and see what happens? or try the
>     pyExcelerator mailing list on SourceForge... 
> Mailing list looks dead only 2 messages.
> Man this is the exact module i need to finish converting about 20 
> scripts from perl and I have no idea how to use most of it. This is very 
> frustrating.
> Is there another excel writer module that has documentation?

If you are running on Windows and have Excel installed you can talk to 
Excel using COM. Take a look here:

If no one on tutor knows about this you can probably get help with COM 
on the python-win32 list or comp.lang.python.


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