[Tutor] How to make the loop work?

Bob Gailer bgailer at alum.rpi.edu
Thu Jun 22 16:46:47 CEST 2006

Ivan Low wrote:
> Hi, I'm new to python trying to figure how to make this work.
> c=0;d=raw_input("input number limit: ")
> while 1:
>     c = c + 1
>     if c == d: break
>     print c,
> My idea is to able to input a number to limit the print out of this loop.
> But this will not work. Where is the error?
"Will not work" does not (in general) give us enough to go on. Please in 
the future tell us what the evidence of the problem is - e.g. unexpected 
output, exception, ... If it is an exception please include the 
traceback in your post.

Bob Gailer

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