[Tutor] Unit testing

Roel Schroeven rschroev_nospam_ml at fastmail.fm
Wed Jun 28 20:24:50 CEST 2006

Tino Dai schreef:
> How I have it now:
> semaA = threading.semaphore()
> class nameA:
>    def __init__(self):
>         <do some stuff>
>    def run(self):
>          <do some stuff>
>          semaA.release()
> class nameB:
>    def __init__(self):
>         <do some stuff>
>    def run(self):
>          semaA.acquire()
>          <do some stuff>
> Does that make sense. Or is there a better way?

I think it's better to do something like:

class nameA:
     def __init__(self, sema):
         self.sema = sema
         <other stuff>

     def run(self):
         <do some stuff>

class nameB:
     def __init__(self, sema):
         self.sema = sema
         <other stuff>

     def run(self):
         <do some stuff>

Then where you create instances of those classes:

sema = threading.semaphore()
a = nameA(sema)
b = nameB(sema)

Maybe you don't even need the semaphore at all: have a look at 
Queue.Queue, it might do exactly what you need.

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

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