[Tutor] python multimedia cyber classrom

josip josipl2000 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 29 13:53:58 CEST 2006

  I know that this is not question for this tutor, but someone please help.
  I tried everething but just not working.
  I contact Deitel, but they don't know 
  I have Python multimedia cyber classroom cd with book Python how to program.
  When I run My cyberclassroom I get this error:
  A Runetime Error has occurred.
  Do You wish to Debug?
  Line: 63
  Char: 2
  Error: 'target_dir' is null or not an object.
  Code: 0
  Url: file://C:\Program Files\Ptg Interactive\htdocs\6737d9\contents\navigation.html
  this happened when I click on link with javascript:void(0)

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