[Tutor] Tutorial for creating web server

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Fri Mar 3 12:52:15 CET 2006

Rakesh Mishra wrote:
> hi
> i wanted to create my own web server, can any body suggest any tutorial,
> by the way i have gone through book Core Python Programing, in this book
> one example is given but it is to abstract, that i am unable to understand .

Can you be more specific? Creating a web server in Python can be done in 
one line:

python -c "import CGIHTTPServer; CGIHTTPServer.test()"

will start a web server that serves static files and cgi's.

There are *many* options for creating a full web application in Python 
(too many options, some say). Two currently popular choices are Django 
and TurboGears but they may be overkill for what you need.

Anyway we really need more details of what you want to do and why to be 
able to help you.


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