[Tutor] Print list vs telnetlib.telnet.write differences

STREET Gideon (SPARQ) Gideon.STREET at ergon.com.au
Tue Mar 7 02:31:06 CET 2006

Lloyd/David and all,

I'm still seeing something a bit weird with sending commands back to the
router via tn.write().  This is with python 2.4.2

As per David's last email I replaced:

for item in lines:
    x = item


blob = string.join(lines)

print blob

#tn.write("\03")           #  Assures the device is in enable mode
x = tn.read_until("#")    #  The "x =" seems to help flush the read
tn.write("conf t\n")
x = tn.read_until("#")

tn.write('exit' '\n') #disconnect from the session

But I am still seeing a command being sent to the device twice :(  As
per the above I've got a print command outputting what I'm sending back
to the router.  The output of the print blob looks like (output shown
between the lines):
banner exec ^



        Level XX, XX Some Street, Somewhere
       Site contact: John Citizen 555 5555
     System Contact: Helpdesk  555 5556



Yet the output on TCPWatch looks like (output shown between the lines):
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch01(config)#banner exec ^



        Level XX, XX Some Street, Somewhere
       Site contact: John Citizen 555 5555
     System Contact: Helpdesk  555 5556


banner exec ^  <---- this is the second time this command is sent to the
Enter TEXT message.  End with the character '^'.


Any explanation of what I'm doing wrong to get duplication of the sent
commands?  It looks like the script is looping on the print blob, but I
can't see why it should do that?



(I can send through the entire script but it's a 170+ lines and didn't
want to send an epic email to the list)

-----Original Message-----
From: Python [mailto:python at venix.com]
Sent: Saturday, 4 March 2006 3:42 AM
Cc: Tutor Python
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Print list vs telnetlib.telnet.write differences

On Fri, 2006-03-03 at 15:41 +1000, STREET Gideon (SPARQ) wrote:
> The problem I'm stumbling over is that when I print x, the output is
> what I want.  If I delete the print x and #, leaving only tn.write(x)
> on the last line everything looks good except it writes the 1st item
> in "lines" (the banner exec command) twice, once at the beginning
> where it's supposed to, but then once again at the end. See except
> below for example.
> Anyone able to explain why that is happening or is it me just not
> understanding what I'm doing?  Hope my explanation is clear I'm still
> unfamiliar with the exact phrasology.
Could that be your data being echoed back to you?  Is the router
configured correctly after the script runs?

I normally feed commands to Cisco devices using tftp.  It is relatively
easy to edit a file to get the commands correct.  Then you could limit
your "conversational script" to logging in and running tftp to transfer
the command file.

It looks like you are pretty close to having this working.

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

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Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

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