[Tutor] Python interpreter/Xemacs and the py-execute-buffer

Francesco Queirolo francescoqueirolo at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 9 15:03:44 CET 2006

Cheers Andrew.

Well that's certainly possible, but the error message is generated by xemacs and I have no idea how to change paths for something like this. Any ideas?


andrew clarke <mail at ozzmosis.com> wrote: On Wed, Mar 08, 2006 at 11:46:37PM -0800, Francesco Queirolo wrote:

> I have been using Xemacs 21.4 Patch 13 on Windows XP with Python 2.4.2
> (final). Whenever I try to run a script inside the xemacs window using:
> C-c C-c I get the following: Opening output file: Invalid argument,
> C:\Documents and Settings\jkat\Local Settings\Temp;C:\Devel\emacsk2AS2x

> and of course my code doesn't pop the output up to the xemacs screen.
> The last part of the error message "k2AS2x" is different every time. I
> have already re-installed xemacs and am rather baffled after creating
> folders called Devel and temp as well.

I wonder if it's because there are spaces in the filename.  Just a guess.


Francesco Queirolo
francescoqueirolo at yahoo.com
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