[Tutor] Cannot Understand

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri Mar 10 21:13:36 CET 2006

On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Danny Yoo wrote:

> > The expression n-1 + abs(n-1) is always a true value... except in the
> > case where n is zero.
> Sorry, that's wrong of me, but you know what I mean.  *grin*

Ugh, the other thing I screwed up wrong was misreading:

    X and Y or Z

and forgetting my operator precedence.  I should be thinking:

    ((X and Y) or Z)

and not

    (X and (Y or Z))

which was the wrong path my analysis took.  But after turning about and
retracing the overall steps, we do end up getting the factorial function
after all.

Sorry about messing up so much; I'm just in a big hurry at the moment.

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