[Tutor] scaling values

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Wed Mar 15 03:51:51 CET 2006

kevin parks wrote:
> hi,
> Seems my post added much confusion. Sorry... I was hoping not to have 
> to post my code since it is really wrong and slightly embarrassing.. 

I think the confusion was about what input range to use. From your code 
it looks like you want to use just the actual range of input values.

> what i am trying to do is map an input range of values to output range. 
> I was hoping to make it a bit of an all purpose utility that would map 
> pretty much any input range to an output range, also do inverted 
> mapping... and also handle negative numbers and perhaps even a flag for 
> exponential mapping.
> import random
> def scaleX(in_seq, low, hi):
> 	range1 = max(in_seq) - min(in_seq)
> 	#range2 = max(out_seq) - min(outseq)
> 	range2 = hi - low
> 	ratio = range1/range2
>   	return [(x * ratio) for x in in_seq]		

This is actually pretty close. You have ratio backwards and you need to 
account for the offsets min(in_seq) and low. Try
   in_low = min(in_seq)
   ratio = range2/range1
   return [ ((x-in_low) * ratio + low) for x in in_seq ]


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