[Tutor] Mysql BLOB strangeness?

Brian Gustin brian at daviesinc.com
Fri Mar 17 17:45:31 CET 2006

if the data is not binary, you can use TEXT type - accepts all readable 
characters and data, BLOB type is more for binary data storage, and 
MYSQL's Varchar type only stores up to 255 characters. (65,536 bits, or 

If you are storing Binary data (DES-3 encrypted data, or image data, for 
example (a silly idea, IMHO, but some people store image data in 
databases), then you would use BLOB, but I prefer to use TEXT type for 
plain ol' storage of text or characters (say an html page or template, 
etc) rather than the binary BLOB type, although BLOB would be a space 
savings if the data will be quite large, and you will have many rows)


Kent Johnson wrote:
> Adam Cripps wrote:
>>On 3/17/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net> wrote:
>>>Why are you using a BLOB when the content is text?
>>I'm using BLOB because I want them to be able to write content that is
>>longer than 255 chars.
> I'm no MySQL expert but the docs say VARCHAR fields can be up to 65,535 
> chars.
> Kent
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