[Tutor] i need help please read

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu Mar 23 06:22:22 CET 2006

On Wed, 22 Mar 2006, Tom Bachik wrote:

> ok does anyone know how to righ a script were a box pops up then if it
> goes over a number on the screen it pops up in the box become the input
> number so you can alter the number that popped up in the box? if you do
> can you right it and send it to me and if you cant doit all but know how
> i can do part will you please help me do it but remeber im new so i dont
> know to much

Hi Tom,

Frankly, I'm having a very hard time understanding your question.  You are
going to have to try harder if you really want a good response from us.
I do not mean to be mean: I simply don't understand the terms you are
using; I'm having too hard enough time trying to parse your paragraph. My
mental model of what you are trying to ask is not strong.

If you want help, show us what you've tried so far, and we'll do what we
can to point you toward resources that can help you.  If this is homework,
know that we can not do it for you.

If you'd like pointers to tutorial resources, you may find:


useful; this link contains most of the beginner-level tutorials.  If you
go through and work through the problems in a tutorial, you should be
better equipped to play with Python.

You've probably already been pointed to the "How to Ask Questions the
Smart Way" page, but just in case, I'll be redundant and point it out:


Reading it may help you write your question in a way that will make it
easier to approach and answer.

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