[Tutor] html and mod_python

Patty patriciap.gu at gmail.com
Thu Mar 23 16:54:03 CET 2006

Hi again!
result[0] is the value i got from the database. I tried the following piece of
code and got : 

"TypeError: not enough arguments for format string"    

   if result [0] in range(0, 101, 10):
            selected_value = result[0]
            selected_value = '-'

        tag = """
        <select name='percent'>
        <option selected VALUE=%s>%s</option>

        <option VALUE='-'>-</option>
        <option VALUE='0'>0%</option>
        <option VALUE='10'>10%</option>
        <option VALUE='20'>20%</option>
        <option VALUE='30'>30%</option>
        <option VALUE='40'>40%</option>
        <option VALUE='50'>50%</option>
        <option VALUE='60'>60%</option>
        <option VALUE='70'>70%</option>
        <option VALUE='80'>80%</option>
        <option VALUE='90'>90%</option>
        <option VALUE='100'>100%</option>
        </select>""" % (selected_value,selected_value)

    return tag

What am I doing wrong?

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