[Tutor] compilte python to an executable file.

Ars aguffabuff at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 27 05:38:32 CEST 2006

> On 27/03/06, Keo Sophon <keosophon at khmeros.info> wrote:
> > hi all,
> >
> > Does anyone know how to compile a python filename.py to an executable
> Google for py2exe.
> Note, though, it doesn't really "compile" your script.  Rather, it
> bundles up the interpreter and all the flies needed to make it go.  It
> still means you can run your programs on Windows systems without
> python installed, though.
> --
> John.
I was kinda wondering about that too.  Isn't there any other way to get your
program compiled into standalone machine code?

Would a py2exe program be practical for a commercial program? I'd think
people could read your source code too easily.


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