[Tutor] grab a secodary window content

Carlo Capuano Carlo.Capuano at iter.org
Mon Mar 27 19:30:00 CEST 2006

Hi to all!

I'm playing around with VideoCapture and vpython, both open a secondary
window with nice images on it, well the one with my face is not so
great, anyway I wish to grab the content and put it into a PIL Image, in
VideoCapture there are a methods called saveSnapshot and getImage, but
somehow they work one every 20000 circa (I made a loop until it doesn't
raise errors and it works) with vpython I didn't find nothing at all.

Now, I know I could make a snapshot of the entire desktop and than cut
what I'm looking for, but shot at butterflies' whit a bazooka is

I fill I'm missing a couple of lines of python, I run on Windows.

Any suggest is appreciated! Thanks. 


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