[Tutor] Turnkey Python on a USB stick

Steve Slevinski slevin at signpuddle.net
Thu Mar 30 18:05:35 CEST 2006

Hey Michael Sparks,

You said you were interested in my Turnkey Python on a USB stick so I 
thought I'd tell you about it.  It's going very well.  I'm just putting 
the polish on it now.  I have 2 main USB sticks: 1 for development and 1 
for distribution to end users.

My development USB can be plugged into any Windows computer and I have 
my entire development environment ready to go.  I can work at home, on 
location, or even at the library.  Movable Python (less than $10 and the 
only purchase) make this possible.  My main editor is Leo (open source 
python).  It takes a while to grok, but there isn't anything else like it.

My distribution USB runs the same code as my server.  I'm using the 
Uniform Server project.  All my users have to do is plug in the USB, 
start the server and point the browser to localhost.  It should look 
really nice once I get my logo printed on the USB sticks.

Right now my server code is staying PHP, but I'm on the path to Python.  
The Uniform Server hasn't completed the mod_python plug-in so I have 
some time.  I'm also going to try py2exe once I get the hang of the GTK 
and Twisted.  Again, I have some time.

Three additional software packages that help are...
PStart - Shortcuts for USB
Allway Sync - PC to USB sync.
Disc Image XML - take a distribution image and writes a USB stick in 
under 2 minutes.


Michael Sparks wrote:
> On Monday 27 March 2006 22:21, Steve Slevinski wrote:
>> Does this sound reasonable?  Are their any alternatives to Movable
>> Python? (http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/movpy/)
> Hi Steve,
> I've got no experience of setting up such a beast or using movable python, but 
> I just wanted to say it sounds like an EXCELLENT idea, and I'd be interested 
> in hearing how you get on!
> :)
> Michael.

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