[Tutor] Problems with Treeview

John CORRY john.corry at ntlworld.com
Sat May 13 23:37:06 CEST 2006

I am having problems selecting a row in treeview.  I am using
Pythoncard, Glade 2 and Python 2.4.
I am using the following code:-
combo3 = self.wTree.get_widget("treeview1")
self.hostsmodel = model
combo3.connect("row_activated", self.callback53, combo3,model)
def callback53(self,data,combo3,data2,data3,model):
        view = gtk.TreeView(model)
        selection = view.get_selection().get_selected()
        print selection
        result = model.get_value(iter,0)
        print result
I get the following error:
(<gtk.TreeStore object (GtkTreeStore) at 0xb3cb70>, None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\Johnc\Projects\project7\shopcall.py",
line 1
, in callback53
    result = model.get_value(iter,0)
TypeError: iter must be a GtkTreeIter
What do I need to assign to iter to make this code work?
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