[Tutor] Running Java process doesn't return to subprocess.call

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue May 16 03:56:38 CEST 2006

On Mon, 15 May 2006, Jerome Jabson wrote:

> I'm running a Java process from my python script using the subprocess 
> module. But there seems to be some problem with the return code to 
> subprocess and the Java program is just hanging waiting for something.

Hi Jerome,

I see that you're using subprocess.call():

     retval = subprocess.call(cmd, 0, None, None,outptr, None)

I expected to see some reference to 'errFile' in the call here; otherwise, 
the java subprocess won't know that you want to dump error output there.

Does your Java program expect anything out of standard input as well?

Best of wishes!

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