[Tutor] New programmer, need some help getting started on my first project

Chris Delgado prowlerslim at yahoo.com
Fri May 19 02:44:43 CEST 2006


Yup, I actually thought that might be my mistake but I forgot to actually try it. So I did and revised the code (which I'll post below) and now get a syntax error after my heads += line..yikes .

# A program that simulates flipping a coin 100 times and the reports the number of heads and tails that were flipped#

import random

heads = 0
tails = 0
flips = 0

if flips <= 100:

    coin = random.randrange(2)

    if coin == 0:
        heads +=
        tails +=

    flips += 1  

print "The coin was flipped 100 times and it was heads" + heads + "times and tails" + tails + "times!"

raw_input("\n\nPress the Enter key to exit")

johnf <jfabiani at yolo.com> wrote: On Thursday 18 May 2006 16:19, Chris Delgado wrote:
> import random
> heads = 0
> tails = 0
> flips = 0
> if flips <= 100:
>     coin = random.randrange(2)
>     if coin = 0:
>         heads +=
>     elif coin = 1:
>         tails +=
>     flips +=1
> print "The coin was flipped 100 times and it was heads" + heads + "times
> and tails" + tails + "times!"
> raw_input("\n\nPress the Enter key to exit")

I think you want '==' and not '='.  Look up assignment and equal!
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