[Tutor] Please help!!

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Sat May 20 14:15:41 CEST 2006

> I'm tasked to write a Paython script which is supposed to hit 
> a web site and download a shapefile from that web site. 

The urllib module should do that for you but...

> I don't have any clue and would like your help. 

What do you know?
Do you understand HTML? and specifically how to 
create and read img tags?

Do you know any Python? 
Do you know any other programming language?

> I use 9.x if this matter.

Version 9.x of what?
Operating System - on a Mac perhaps?
If so it shouldn't matter since Python's urllib works OK on 
the older versions.

We really need a liittle more background to help further.


Alan G.

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