[Tutor] Download file from the web and store it locally.

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Mon May 22 22:05:13 CEST 2006

On Mon, 22 May 2006, MATATA EMMANUEL wrote:

> I just made some changes, but I still can't get my file saved on my local
> drive:

Ok.  Up to what part of the program works?

Don't just say it doesn't work: can you try isolating what parts are 
working as expected, and what parts aren't working as expected?  Can you 
at least point at what you see wrong?

I do see something weird here, but I want to make sure you can see it too.

I guess I'm trying to say: don't use us on Tutor as a simple program or 
syntax checker.  *grin* You should try figuring things out to the best of 
your abilities too, so that you can learn how to get better.

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