[Tutor] help...newbie
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Mon May 22 23:56:32 CEST 2006
> Hey Alan, I have indeed found a tutorial. "A Byte Of Python"
Yes, that should be fine for you.
> So far it's really good. I'm down around functions, and is this far
> enough?
I'm not sure which order it covers things but somewhere soon
you should find the stuff about reading text from files and you
should already know about how to read input from a user and
write output to the screen.
The next step is to try actually writing the program and see how it
It probably won;t work first time, but try to woprk out why and fix
If you get stuck send a note to the tutor list and someone will help
> So is that enough to use the python tutorial?
A C background would be fine, but since you already have a Byte of
Python then stick with it...
Alan G.
> Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk> wrote: Hi Joe,
>> Hello, I am pretty sure I am sending this to the right email
>> address.
> Looks like it :-)
>> But anyway I need help. I started learning python,
> How are you learning? Have you found a tutorial yet?
> If you already know how to program in another language
> the official tutorial on the python web site is quite good.
> If you are a complete beginner then the python web site has
> a page of suggested tutoriuals, including mine.
>> and I wanna know how to make a simple program, that
>> displays text and when the user presses enter more text
>> is displayed. And so and so until the end. Thank you, joe.
> Any particular text? Or just random letters?
> Do you mean a paging program like more on Unix? (or type in DOS)
> Thats a fairly easy project and most of the tutorials should help
> you write that. nHave a go and if you get stuck tell us what you
> tried, what went wrong (including any error messages) and we'll
> try to help out.
> Alan Gauld
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/alan.gauld
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