[Tutor] First realscript + Game of Life

Carlos carloslara at web.de
Fri Nov 10 08:39:46 CET 2006


> What?
> I think you're talking to someone else here, cause I have no idea what 
> you mean.
> Copy binary numbers from memory?
> You mean from any arbitrary memory location you want?
> That sounds a lot like C++ pointers to me. 

That was based on this:

> Hi Carlos,
> I hope this module would help you with the binary conversion part:
> <pycode>
> def tobits(inte,size = 3):
>     """Copy an integer's bits from memory"""
>     s=''
>     for i in range(size):
>         s += str((inte & (1<<i)) >>i)
>     #bits are extracted right-to-left
>     s = s[::-1] #reverse the result string
>     print s
>     return list(s)
> </pycode>
> <pyshell>
>>>> >>>test = tobits(30,8)
> 00011110
>>>> >>>test
> ['0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0']
> </pyshell>
> Cheers,
> Rooy
But probably (surely) my interpretation is wrong. Hehe

And about:
> 89+11 = 100, which is longer than the list.


Thanks Luke.


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