[Tutor] Code not doing what I think it's doing

Todd Dahl lucidmonk at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 21:22:12 CET 2006

So I have this piece of code below from my script that I am still working on
and it's not doing what my brain says it should.

If I remove the whole section starting at:
> for guid in guidlist:

it prints correctly the primary key of each row that I queried with the line
that starts with:

> print "db_row: ", str(row[0])

but with the for statement line in it does not loop back to that statement
anymore and it makes no sence to me why not. Shouldn't it run through the

> print "db_row: ", str(row[0])

every single time? No matter if the for loop in there or not?

Please, excuse the littering of code snippets that I have been using for
trying to figure this out.




def parseRegistry():
    """ Update database with entries that where found in the registry"""
    #First collect all main registry keys under the CLSID tree and put them
into a list

    guidlist = ListRegistryKeys("CLSID")

    #Create database if it does not exist or open database if it does exist
    #Create a connection object
    connection = sqlite.connect('dcs2000.db')

    #Create a cursor object
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    #Loop through returned data
    resultSet = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM VBGuids where comType =
'Object' ")
    for row in resultSet:
        print "db_row: ", str(row[0])
        #zz = raw_input("stop at ....db row")

        for guid in guidlist:
            key2=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, guid)

                while 1:
                    valueName, valueValue, valueType=
_winreg.EnumValue(key2, j)
                    #print guid
                    #print "valueName", valueName
                    #print "valueValue", valueValue
                    #print "valueType", valueType
                    # zz = raw_input("... :-() ...")

                    updateSQLString = "update VBGuids set
RegistrationPath='" + 'z:\lalala' + "', Name='" + 'NANA' + "' where id=" +
                    #print "SQL: ", updateSQLString
                    #print "row: ", str(row[0])


                    j += 1
                    #print j
            except WindowsError, e:
            except Exception, e:
                print '%s: %s' % (e.__class__.__name__, e)
                if isinstance(e, SystemExit): raise # take the exit
                print 'Nonstandard Exception %r: %r' %

            _winreg.CloseKey( key2)

    # Okay we need to close the cursor and connection
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