[Tutor] How to create delay in game

Michael Brunton-Spall mib at mibgames.co.uk
Tue Nov 21 12:57:41 CET 2006

Of all the weird things, I'm currently working for Scripture Union, i never 
knew they had made a python package for learning python, anyway...

import time

where you want to delay for a while,
that will sleep for 0.1 seconds, (or try to).

the livewires package is a wrapper around pygame, it might be worth looking at 
pygame.org to see the more powerful, underlying package.

The livewires packages have worksheets to go with the packages, teaching games 
programing.  Reference sheet T(Time) had this information in it. might be 
worth checking those out if your sticking with livewires.  find them at 

Michael Brunton-Spall

On Tuesday 21 November 2006 03:02, Nicholas Perito wrote:
> Hello,
> I new to programming and this is my first post. I'm learning Python via
> "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner" by Michael Dawson. I've
> written a pong game  into which I want to insert a delay between sprite
> initializations. Right now, if an "Atom" sprite reaches the bottom of
> the screen, the next Atom sprite appears immediately. Instead, when the
> sprite reaches the bottom, I want the message "Two (or One) atoms left!"
> to appear for it's lifetime before the next Atom sprite appears. I've
> tried to create a delay by making it crunch numbers, but that hasn't
> worked well.
> Anyway, the code is below, and the place where I want to create a delay
> is marked. Oh, and constructive criticism of the code is welcome--I'm
> not too sensitive.
> Thanks a lot to anyone who can help!
> (It's called 'Atom Pong' because I had a cool graphic)
> # Atom Pong
> # Nic Perito 11/06
> import random
> from livewires import games, color
> life = 3
> class Atom(games.Sprite):
>     """ Atom image """
>     image = games.load_image("atom.jpg")
>     def __init__(self, screen, x, y, dx, dy):
>         """ Initialize atom object. """
>         self.init_sprite(screen = screen, x = x, y = y,
>                              dx = dx, dy = dy, image = Atom.image)
>     def moved(self):
>         """ Reverse a velocity component if edge of screen reached. """
>         global life
>         dx, dy = self.get_velocity()
>         self.rotate_by(3)
>         if self.get_right() > SCREEN_WIDTH:
>             self.set_right(SCREEN_WIDTH)
>             self.set_velocity(-dx, dy)
>         if self.get_left() < 0:
>             self.set_left(0)
>             self.set_velocity(-dx, dy)
>         if self.get_top() < 0:
>             self.set_velocity(dx, -dy)
>         if self.get_bottom() > SCREEN_HEIGHT:
>             self.destroy()
>             life -= 1
>             if life == 0:
>                 self.game_over()
>             if life == 2:
>                 games.Message(screen = self.screen,
>                       x = 150, y = 20,
>                       text = "Two atoms left!", size = 40, color =
> color.yellow,
>                       lifetime = 200)
>                 #HERE'S WHERE I WANT A DELAY
>                 Atom(self.screen, x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - 76), y = 76,
>                         dx = 6, dy = 5)
>             if life == 1:
>                 games.Message(screen = self.screen,
>                       x = 150, y = 45,
>                       text = "One atom left!", size = 40, color =
> color.yellow,
>                       lifetime = 200)
>                 #HERE'S WHERE I WANT A DELAY
>                 Atom(self.screen, x = 76, y = 76,
>                         dx = 6, dy = 6)
>     def handle_deflect(self):
>         """ Deflect atom. """
>         dx, dy = self.get_velocity()
>         self.set_velocity(dx + random.randrange(2,4), -dy)
>     def game_over(self):
>         """ End the game. """
>         # destroy all game objects except the Text object (player's score)
>         for game_object in self.screen.all_objects():
>             if not isinstance(game_object, games.Text):
>                 game_object.destroy()
>         # show 'Game Over' for 250 mainloop() cycles
>         games.Message(screen = self.screen,
>                       x = SCREEN_WIDTH/2, y = 400,
>                       text = "Game Over", size = 90, color = color.red,
>                       lifetime = 500, after_death = self.screen.quit)
> class Bonus(games.Sprite):
>     """ Atom bonus image """
>     image = games.load_image("bonus.jpg")
>     def __init__(self, screen, x, y, dx, dy):
>         """ Initialize atom object. """
>         self.init_sprite(screen = screen, x = x, y = y,
>                              dx = dx, dy = dy, image = Bonus.image)
>     def moved(self):
>         """ Reverse a velocity component if edge of screen reached. """
>         dx, dy = self.get_velocity()
>         self.rotate_by(-3)
>         if self.get_right() > SCREEN_WIDTH or self.get_left() < 0:
>             self.set_velocity(-dx, dy)
>         if self.get_top() < 0:
>             self.set_velocity(dx, -dy)
>         if self.get_bottom() > SCREEN_HEIGHT:
>             self.destroy()
>     def handle_deflect(self):
>         """ Deflect atom. """
>         dx, dy = self.get_velocity()
>         self.set_velocity(dx, -dy)
> class Paddle(games.Sprite):
>     """
>     A paddle controlled by player to 'deflect' atoms.
>     """
>     image = games.load_image("paddle.jpg", transparent = False)
>     def __init__ (self, screen, x, y):
>         """ Initialize paddle object. Create a Text object for player's
> score. """
>         self.init_sprite(screen = screen, x = x, y = y, image =
> Paddle.image)
>         self.score_value = 0
>         self.score_text = games.Text(screen = self.screen, x =
> SCREEN_WIDTH/2, y = 20,
>                                      text = "Score: 0", size = 25, color
> = color.white)
>     def moved(self):
>         """ Move paddle to mouse x position. """
>         x, y = self.get_pos()
>         if self.screen.is_pressed(games.K_RIGHT):
>             x += 9
>         if self.screen.is_pressed(games.K_LEFT):
>             x -= 9
>         self.move_to(x,y)
>         if self.get_left() < 0:
>             self.set_left(0)
>         if self.get_right() > SCREEN_WIDTH:
>             self.set_right(SCREEN_WIDTH)
>         self.check_for_impact()
>     def check_for_impact(self):
>         """ Check if paddle hits atoms. """
>         for atom in self.overlapping_objects():
>             self.handle_deflect()
>             atom.handle_deflect()
>     def handle_deflect(self):
>         """ Increase and display score. """
>         bonus = []
>         for i in range(0, 5000, 50):
>             bonus.append(i)
>         self.score_value += 10
>         self.score_text.set_text("Score: " + str(self.score_value))
>         if self.score_value in bonus:
>             Bonus(self.screen, x = random.randrange(800)+ 76, y = 76,
>                   dx = random.randrange(10)+2, dy = random.randrange(3)+ 2)
>             games.Message(screen = self.screen,
>                       x = SCREEN_WIDTH/2, y = 300,
>                       text = "BONUS!", size = 90, color = color.red,
>                       lifetime = 50)
> def main():
>     my_screen = THE_SCREEN
>     my_screen.mouse_visible(False)
>     background_image = games.load_image("black.jpg", transparent = False)
>     my_screen.set_background(background_image)
>     Atom(screen = my_screen, x = 76, y = 76,
>           dx = 6, dy = 5)
>     Paddle(screen = my_screen, x = SCREEN_WIDTH/2, y = 690)
>     my_screen.mainloop()
> # start program
> main()
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