[Tutor] Newbie question: join() string method

Moedeloos Overste kloosterjunkie at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 27 16:30:01 CET 2006


Thanx for all the input everybody. I finally got it to work. The contents of 
the list is now stored in the file without the []. The solution is in the 
code below. Next step in my learning process is reading the file contents 
and storing it in a dictionary.

One question: When I run the program from IDLE it writes the data to file 
but when I run it from the command prompt(win32)  it doesn't. why is this?


vDraws = input("How many times do you want to draw the lottery? :>")

# Draw lottery numbers & writing them to file

while vDraws > 0:
    LotNumbers = random.sample(range(1,45), 6) #random numbers from range 
into list)
    strgOutput=",".join(str(i) for i in LotNumbers)   #??????converting list 
to string to store it.
    fout = open("draw__output.dat", "a")
    fout.write(strgOutput + "\n")  #writing string to file
    vDraws = vDraws - 1

>From: "Andreas Kostyrka" <andreas at kostyrka.org>
>Reply-To: "Andreas Kostyrka" <andreas at kostyrka.org>
>To: "Moedeloos Overste" <kloosterjunkie at hotmail.com>
>CC: tutor at python.org
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] Newbie question: join() string method
>Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 13:32:59 +0100
>",".join(str(x) for x in intList)
>_____ Ursprüngliche Mitteilung _____
>Betreff:	[Tutor] Newbie question: join() string method
>Autor:	"Moedeloos Overste" <kloosterjunkie at hotmail.com>
>Datum:		27. November 2006 13:20:41
>I'm trying to use the join() method on a list to be able to store the
>contents of that list in a file. Basically I want the contents of the list
>stored without the []. I've tried numerous ways of using the join() method,
>but they all return errors. I've tried using the tutorial and documentation
>on this one but still can't work it out.
>errors: TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, int found
>LotNumbers = random.sample(range(1,45), 6) #random numbers from range into
>     ','.join()                                                  #?what's 
>correct syntax?
>     fout = open("draw__output.dat", "a")
>     fout.write(LotNumbers)                             #writing string to
>     fout.close()
>     vDraws = vDraws - 1
>Can someone show me the correct way to use the join() method in this case?
>Many thanks,
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