[Tutor] Help

Glenn T Norton gtnorton at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 1 21:20:39 CEST 2006

Kefka Palazzo wrote:

> OK, first of all, I just started learning python a few hours ago so 
> deal with me here.
> I'm picking up quite fast on Python since I took a C++ class a year 
> ago when i was 13. However, before I go deep into learning it, I want 
> to know if Python will work for the purpouses I need.
> I am trying to learn a programming language good for programming 
> entire games (core functions too) similar to both the Final Fantasy 
> and Metroid series. From the book I'm learning from (Python 
> Programming for the Absolute Beginner, by Michael Dawsom) it seems 
> like within a week or two I'll have a basic grasp on most of the 
> functions, but I want to know if it will be worth it for what I need 
> it for or if I would be better off learning something different (and 
> harder >.<)
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
I'm not a game writer, but there a good quote on the home page from 
Firaxis Games
http://www.python.org/about/quotes/  ( bottom of page )

Good Luck,

"What's an Ear? ... A Jar and with a War of course!  " 
    Why Programmers are Lonely - Reason #14

Glenn Norton
Application Developer
glenn at nebraska.gov

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