[Tutor] database web app, what tool?

Liam Clarke ml.cyresse at gmail.com
Mon Oct 2 05:28:33 CEST 2006

Paulino wrote:

Hi Paulino,

Tough question that. What is your existing web server? That'd be a good 
starting point. Zope/Plone are great, but they have a steep learning 
curve that doesn't seem essential to what you're doing. Django is 
simpler, but once again, doesn't immediately fit to what you're trying 
to do, but it could do.

I'd say just a straight mod_python would be simplest, to be honest, but 
it really depends on what you're doing.


Liam Clarke
> Hi!
> Im a very biginner in programming and I started with python, witch I 
> found much easier tahn i thought.
> I want to build an intranet page in my organization that shows some data 
> from our financial aplication's database.
> For the starting point I would like it to show invoices lists per 
> supplier and link each line to a pdf image of the selected invoice that 
> is stored in a determined folder.
> The aim is only to make querys and show the results. No updates, nor 
> insert's
> The database is MS SQL 2005
> Right now I connect to the database via pymssql, and i can retrieve data 
> and send it to a wx.Grid or to a reportlab pdf file, with platypus 
> tables (a couple of months ago i would say i'd never be able to do it... 
> and now i want to do more...)
> Now I want to send it to the browser so the administration can see it 
> every time they need.
> What tool is more suitable?
> There are so many options!
> Zope-Plone have it's own web server, so less config is required. But i 
> can't find any recipe or tutorial usefull for this task...
> there is also django, turbogears, webware, apache and mod-python.....
> Thank you
> Paulino
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