[Tutor] what is "user time" in os.times()?

Michael P. Reilly arcege at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 18:07:21 CEST 2006

Dang; sorry, thought I hit "Reply to all".

I ran your program on two separate systems, three versions of Python here at
1. Pent M 2GHz/Windows XP Pro, running Cygwin Python 2.4.3:
 flips   heads  tails diff   %
1000000 499598 500402 804 99.9196 per cent
Time was 2.863 seconds
os.times() is (2.5779999999999998, 0.156, 0.0, 0.0, 14526.053)

2. AMD Opteron/Linux RHE 4, running Python 2.2.3:
 flips   heads  tails diff   %
1000000 499111 500889 1778 99.8222 per cent
Time was 6.972 seconds
os.times() is (6.9699999999999998, 0.02, 0.0, 0.0, 3496342.9399999999)

3. Pent M 2GHz/Windows XP Pro, running Windows Python 2.4.3:
 flips   heads  tails diff   %
1000000 499667 500333 666 99.9334 per cent
Time was 2.172 seconds
os.times() is (0.265625, 2.125, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

The second machine is a workhorse doing a lot, and it is also a virtual
machine.  The first and third is my work laptop - notice that the difference
between cygwin (Posix/UNIX) and Windows is how the user/system time is
computed.  And also how the real time is returned.

The Windows APIs might swap values or might just handle things differently.
I can't say without a lot more research.


On 10/3/06, Dick Moores <rdm at rcblue.com> wrote:
> At 05:24 AM 10/3/2006, Michael P. Reilly wrote:
> >It is not really a "ghost".  On most systems, there is a split
> >between what happens while you are a "user" and what happens deep
> >inside the operation "system".  The function is showing you how much
> >time elapsed while in those two areas of the system.
> >
> >To show you what I mean, take a simple program that writes to the disk:
> >
> >def show_me_the_spam(breakfast):
> >     file = open("spam.txt", "w")
> >     for i in range(10:
> >         print >>file, "spam, spam, %s and spam" % breakfast
> >     file.close()
> >show_me_the_spam("eggs")
> (0.25, 0.15625, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)  run included creating spam.txt
> (0.171875, 0.09375, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) after spam.txt already there
> The (user time)/(system time) ratios are 1.6 and 1.83, respectively.
> For my coinFlip.py I got
> (0.3125, 4.015625, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
> the (user time)/(system time) ratio was 0.079. Why the big
> difference? From your explanation I would have thought that your
> script would have a LOWER ratio than coinFlip.py because of the file
> operations.
> Here's coinFlips.py and its result again:
> ==================================================
> # coinFlip.py
> import time, os
> from random import choice
> heads, tails = 0, 0
> flips = 1000000
> timeStart = time.time()
> for x in xrange(flips):
>          coin = choice(["heads", "tails"])
>          if coin == "heads":
>                  heads += 1
>          else:
>                  tails += 1
> timeEnd = time.time()
> osTimes = os.times
> difference = abs(heads - tails)
> print " flips   heads  tails diff   %"
> print flips, heads, tails, difference, 100 -
> (100*difference*1.0/flips), "per cent"
> print "Time was %.4g seconds" % (timeEnd - timeStart)
> print "os.times() is", osTimes()
> ======================================================
>   >>>
> Evaluating 1coinFlip.py
>    flips   heads  tails diff   %
> 1000000 500902 499098 1804 99.8196 per cent
> Time was 4.156 seconds
> os.times() is (0.3125, 4.015625, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
>   >>>
> If I reduce flips from 1000000 to 1000, I get
> >>>
> Evaluating 1coinFlip.py
>   flips   heads  tails diff   %
> 1000 482 518 36 96.4 per cent
> Time was 0.016 seconds
> os.times() is (0.296875, 0.09375, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
> >>>
> with a ratio of 3.17. So what's happening during the 1,000,000 loop
> that's put into "system" space?
> >Most of the execution of the program would happen as the "user";
> >things like calling functions, evaluating string parameters,
> >counting in the loop.
> >
> >But the parts that would need to talk to hardware, parts that might
> >be dangerous to have the program have direct control over or might
> >need to be shared with other programs at the same time (like a
> >printer or a keyboard or a disk drive) - these parts of the program
> >are hidden underneath function calls and statements like "open" and
> >"print" and put into a "system" space.
> >
> >How much time you spend in "system" and "user" space tells you how
> >CPU and resource intensive your program is.
> >
> >The 3rd and 4th values are the same, but cumulative for all that
> >programs "children".  A program can spawn subprocesses to help it
> >(see os.system and the like).
> >
> >All the above times are CPU times - time spent while the program has
> >been using fractions of CPU seconds.  The last value shows that
> >actual real duration of the program, similar to your (timeEnd -
> >timeStart), but a bit more accurate.  (Though it appears that value
> >isn't supported on your system?)
> My system is
> a Dell  Dimension 4600i  running Windows XP Professional Service Pack
> 2 (build 2600).
> Why wouldn't that value be supported? Should I call Dell? Bang on
> MS's door? (I live about a mile away.)  I feel a bit cheated. ;)
> Thanks,  Michael, for your extended answer..
> Dick
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So many different suns.
And we have just one world,
But we live in different ones.
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