[Tutor] CGKit
carloslara at web.de
Thu Oct 5 16:18:15 CEST 2006
Hi Kent,
Probably I'm totally missing something, but...
I think there is not a compiled plug-in, if you go here
http://cgkit.sourceforge.net/#download you are going to see that : " The
Maya Python package (i.e. the Maya plug in and the actual Python
package) is a separate package that can be downloaded from the above
page as well. Currently, only the sources are available."
The pages that you are pointing are installation instructions, but they
not point to the compiled plug-in. If you go to the project download
page <http://cgkit.sourceforge.net/#support> you will see the cgkit and
maya sections, inside the maya section there are some files, but none of
them is the plug-in itself, only the sources (I think). I have found
that you can compile the plug-ins with scons instead of boost and seems
to be easier. I just need to now how to set some paths. Here is what the
readme of the file says:
"The plugin is built using SCons (www.scons.org). If necessary, you can
do customizations in a file config.py where you can set additional
include paths and library paths in the lists CPPPATH and LIBPATH. Example:
CPPPATH = ["...path1...", "...path2...", ...]
LIBPATH = ["...path1...", "...path2...", ...]
You have to make sure that the Maya SDK and the Python SDK can be found.
To compile the plugin you have to call "scons" in the root directory of
the sourcepy plugin (where the SConstruct file is located). If
everything went fine, the result will be in the bin subdirectory (the
file will be called sourcepy.mll or sourcepy.so) from where you can copy
it to any convenient place where Maya is able to find it."
I hope that someone can tell me how to do this.
Kent Johnson wrote:
> Carlos wrote:
>> Thanks Luke and Kent,
>> To get CGKit running I need to do two different things:
>> First the Python Computer Graphics Kit is composed by an
>> "cgkit-2.0.0alpha6.win32-py2.4.exe" file and some dependencies that
>> are PyProtocols, numarray, PyOpenGL, PIL, pygame, PyODE and pySerial,
>> with the exception of PyProtocols I have installed all of them. When
>> I try to install PyProtocols from the command prompt it tells me that
>> " The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before building
>> extensions for Python." I went to Microsoft and installed the
>> "Microsoft .NET Framework SDK v2.0", but the problem persists.
>> The second part is the Python Maya Plug-In. I think that this is the
>> tricky one, it is asking me to install Py++, that I have already
>> installed. Now my problem comes when I have to compile the source
>> code with Boost.Python, this one asks for Boost Jam and Boost. I have
>> been trying to install this things but still have no clue at how.
> Use the compiled plug-in. This page:
> http://cgkit.sourceforge.net/mayadoc/install.html
> says to copy sourcepy.mll to the Maya plug-in directory.
> Python extensions for Windows are usually distributed as binaries
> because so many people do not have the resources and knowledge to
> compile them. I don't see anything in the Maya plugin docs to indicate
> that you have to build it from source.
> Kent
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