[Tutor] Variable help

Ismael Garrido ismaelgf at adinet.com.uy
Sun Oct 8 15:40:26 CEST 2006

Tom R. escribió:
> I have a number of arrays:
> player1 = [data, data, data]
> player2 = [data, data, data]
> player3 = [data, data, data]
> player4 = [data, data, data]
> I want to be able to do something like:
> count = 2
> if player + count[3] == 5:
>        do this
>        do that
>       count += 1
> And that would do this and that to the array 'player2' in slot 3. It adds 1 
> to 'count', so next time through it will access the array 'player3'. 
> Basically I want to be able to integrate the value of one variable into 
> another variables name. It's hard explain, hopefully the code above will 
> give you an idea of what I'm trying to achieve.
Put the players in a list.
player_list = [player1, player2, player3... ]
So if you want to get to player1 data, you use player_list[0][0...2], 
which would be the same as player1[0...2].

If you then want to do something to every player, you could do:

for player in player_list:
    do something

> Alternately, how can I use the return of a function as a variables name? eg:
> def choose_player(player):
>     if player == 1:
>         return player1[3
>     if player == 2:
>         return player2[3]
>     if player == 3:
>         return player3[3]
>     if player == 4:
>         return player4[3]
> choose_player(2) = 5
Functions return values. To keep the return value, you simply have to 
assign it to a variable:

result = choose_player(3)

And then you can do whatever you want with result. Bear in mind that 
result and player3[3] are *not* the same thing, they only have the same 


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