[Tutor] Python Magazine

Glenn T Norton gtnorton at earthlink.net
Sat Oct 14 15:39:23 CEST 2006

Amadeo Bellotti wrote:

> I no im probally not the best pereson to go about this but maybe 
> people in this community are. I was wondering if there was or maybe 
> someone can start a Python maganize kinda like 3dCreative or 2d 
> Artist. that is an PDF magazine with tutorials interviews, python 
> news, and maybe a programming challenge or two. and free would be nice 
> i might start this but does anyone want to help maybe?
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
"#1, make it so..."

"Ketchup. For the good times... " - Ketchup Advisory Board 
Glenn Norton
Application Developer
glenn at nebraska.gov

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