[Tutor] Zipfile and File manipulation questions.

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Sun Oct 15 03:28:54 CEST 2006

Chris Hengge wrote:
> Ok, last problem with this whole shebang...
> When I write the file from the zip, if it is in a subfolder, it will 
> error..
> The code below will detect if the file in contained inside a directory 
> in the zip, but I just want it to write it like it wasn't.
> Another words
> Zipfile.zip looks like this
> file.ext
> file2.ext
> folder/
>         anotherfile.ext
> file.ext extracts fine, file2.ext extracts file.. but it see's the last 
> file as folder/anotherfile.ext and it can't write it.. I tried to figure 
> out how to use .split to get it working right.. but I'm not having any 
> luck.. Thanks.
> for afile in zfile.namelist(): # For every file in the zip.
>         # If the file ends with a needed extension, extract it.
>         if afile.lower().endswith('.cap') \
>         or afile.lower().endswith('.hex') \
>         or afile.lower().endswith('.fru') \
>         or afile.lower().endswith('.cfg'):
>             if afile.__contains__("/"):

This should be spelled
   if "/" in afile:

__contains__() is the method used by the python runtime to implement 
'in', generally you don't call double-underscore methods yourself.

I think you want
   afile = afile.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]

that splits afile on the rightmost '/', if any, and keeps the rightmost 
piece. You don't need the test for '/' in afile, the split will work 
correctly whether the '/' is present or not.

If you are on Windows you should be prepared for paths containing \ as 
well as /. You can use re.split() to split on either one.

>                 outfile = open(afile, 'w') # Open output buffer for 
> writing.
>                 outfile.write(zfile.read(afile)) # Write the file.
>                 outfile.close() # Close the output file buffer.
>             else:               
>                 outfile = open(afile, 'w') # Open output buffer for 
> writing.
>                 outfile.write(zfile.read(afile)) # Write the file.
>                 outfile.close() # Close the output file buffer.

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