[Tutor] Equivalent to perl -e

David Rock david at graniteweb.com
Mon Oct 16 20:01:35 CEST 2006

* Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> [2006-10-16 17:32]:
> Why?
> Why not just put it in a Python script?
> I'm missing something I think.

I don't think you are missing anything.  It was something that just sort
of happened one day.  I was trying to do something fairly simple in a
shell script and didn't have a good way to get the date info I wanted,
so I started playing around with python -e.  It really SHOULD just be a
python script that calls shell stuff, not the other way 'round :-)

Still, in the spirit of the OP, I thought it would be appropriate to

David Rock
david at graniteweb.com

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