[Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 32, Issue 72

Pine Marten pine508 at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 18 18:09:32 CEST 2006

>I'm glad that you're not going to give up just yet!  Don't worry, I have 
>much more effort in store for you :)
[long and useful description of some basics of Python deleted]

Wow, thanks very much!  That was extremely useful.  I had some time late 
last night when it was quiet here and I could just read through it, and I 
wound up making a little more progress, making the filename a variable which 
was named based on the current date (had to figure out to import the 
datetime module and how to use that), and also made the save button clear 
the textbox using Clear().

I'll no doubt encounter more confusions and the train of understanding may 
still be in the station, but it lurched forward a bit due to your 
explanations!  Thanks!


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